Problem - Though there are quite a few extra Armour/clothing converts in addition to the stock (Shell of the Artifice for instance), since launch it has not been taken up by many other modders to expand it, and also the small wrists of the body leave you incompatible with everything else HGEC (in my case the family wanted The Goddess Store back to so had to switch again) - I think Luchaire kind of gave up after a while, for version 1 of TGND there were a fair few other conversions which have not since been updated for version 2 of TGND, so from the list in her description only about half of those are v2 compatible. The best solution for RM /HGEC I have found is Luchaires TGND (which will use HGEC or any exnem based textures - TGND is just meshes plus all stock armour and clothing, you provide the texture of choice, so Exnem/HGEC/F-Inev/Ozmo/EVE.