All level 4 merchants fallout 4
All level 4 merchants fallout 4

The player can earn affinity with different characters by performing actions or choosing dialogue options that they agree with. Players can also use console commands to raise, lower, or reset a Companion's affinity, but should be cautious - some console commands can permanently affect or change the player's save file. If the player can use console commands, they can use the " GetAV CA_Affinity" command to check and see where their Companion's affinity is at. The game indicates the Companion "hated that": -35 Affinity The game indicates the Companion "disliked that": -15 Affinity The game indicates the Companion "loved that": +35 Affinity The game indicates the Companion "liked that": +15 Affinity When players know how much affinity they need to get, they can keep track of said affinity through the Companion's reactions to what the Sole Survivor says or does.

  • The game says that the Companion "idolizes you".
  • The game says that the Companion "admires you".
  • all level 4 merchants fallout 4

  • The game says that the Companion "tolerates you".
  • The game says that the Companion "hates you".
  • all level 4 merchants fallout 4

    If the player isn't sure where they sit on the Companion's affinity scale, they can work towards earning affinity and wait for the game to let them know when they've hit a major milestone. The maximum possible affinity is 1000 points, and the lowest possible is -1000 points. Usually, companions will begin with an affinity level of zero. However, there are a few tools that can be used to keep track too. Unfortunately, a companion's affinity level is hidden from the player and can only be seen through console commands.

    All level 4 merchants fallout 4